Every florist uses some existing designs like those created by Teleflora and other flower partner companies. However, we, at Peoples Flower Shops, also have an incredibly talented floral design team who makes beautiful custom designs, seasonal collections, and more.
One of the things our floral design team is known for across all of our Albuquerque flower shops is our Signature Design Collection. The Signature Design collection is custom designed flower arrangements unlike any seen through any other florist. They are stunning flower arrangements that are perfect for any occasion.
The Peoples Signature Design is available in bright bold colors or you can opt for soft pastel tones. The size of each Signature Design flower arrangement is the perfect size for an end table or a bed-side table. Each flower arrangement is typically available in three sizes to suit your budget.
Peoples Signature Design Sunflowers
Created with sunshine in mind, this fun summer arrangement is sure to delight with numerous sunflowers as well as other bright, brilliant flowers hand arranged in a tall vase.
Peoples Signature Design Garden
This signature garden style arrangement is sure to brighten any mood. It has roses and many other stunning flowers hand arranged in a sophisticated container.
Other Signature Designs
Our Signature Design collection changes each season with something new and exciting to offer that includes the available seasonal flower varieties. Sometimes, this includes tropical flowers and exotic flowers while other seasons include twigs, berries, pine cones or other decorative flourishes.
All of the Signature Designs incorporate the freshest flowers possible that have been selected from our premium flower farm partners. They are made to be enjoyed for as long as possible, providing exceptional value for money. These Signature Designs are just one of the many reasons why we have been voted a favorite florist in the Albuquerque area.
Delivery Options
The Signature Design collection is available for delivery throughout Albuquerque and New Mexico as well as across the country thanks to our network of preferred florist partners. These arrangements are also available to ship anywhere in the country so you can share these extraordinary floral designs with anyone.