In 1958, Patricia Bays Haroski had an idea which she felt would bring employers and employees closer together. As an employee at State Farm Insurance in Chicago, Haroski felt that her boss, and other bosses like him, deserved recognition for all of their hard work and dedication. Four years after filing her idea with the U.S. Department of Commerce. Illinois governor Otto Kerner made the day official.
Fun Fact: Haroski’s boss was her father, and National Boss’s Day is observed on his birthday. (October 16)
Peoples Flowers is Albuquerque’s premiere choice for flowers, plants and gifts for every occasion. If you have a great boss who you appreciate, come take a look at our selection.
Gift Idea: Azaleas offer deep evergreen leaves and bright blooming flowers that will be perfect for any office decor. Delivered in a decorative container, this is a long lasting gift sure to be appreciated.

In recognition of National Boss’s Day, here are some trivia facts:
* The word “boss” comes from the Dutch “baas” , which translates to “master”.
* The title of boss first saw usage in this country around 1625.
* There are approximately 11 million people in the American workforce with the title of boss, supervisor, or employer.
* Although National Boss’s Day was established in 1962, the Hallmark company didn’t get onboard with greeting cards until nearly two decades later.
* Throughout the world, 40% of bosses are female. Here in America, 12% of CEO’s are female.
* National Boss’s Day is observed in the United States, South Africa, India, and Australia.

If you are looking for a creative way to show appreciation to your boss for all the encouragement. support, and advice – the team at Peoples Florist have unique and beautiful recommendations perfect for any desk or office.