The 2019 Floral Trends Forecast has been announced and we are very excited to share some of these fresh new floral trends with you. The floral artisans at Peoples Flower Shops are especially impressed with the Hear Me Roar look. This bold, confident design features strong colors and clean lines, mainly from a red, berry and orange palette, with fashion-forward teal and gray serving as base tones. Monochromatic looks create a layered appearance when different designs in a similar color are contrasted with one another in a structured, sophisticated design. Always hand-crafted and never mass-produced, this look is meant to impress.
The most stylish and modern look this season includes our Hearts of Paradise, a trendy tropical blend of red anthurium, red roses, and white orchids, garnished with tropical greenery and bamboo stalks in a low, sleek tray. Unusual, exotic flowers stand out among the structure of bamboo stalks with a passionate nod at distinctive decor for the season.

Stand up and speak out with Hear Me Roar, a strong, brave look that is as modern and stylish as you are. Talk to the floral designers at Peoples Flower Shops to learn more about this dominate design and the layered complexity that makes it truly compelling.