Peoples Flowers

Peoples Flowers

Posted by peoplesflowers on April 6, 2017 | Last Updated: December 10, 2021 Flowers

Caring for Orchids, Bromeliads, & Succulents

Did you ever wish you had more of a green thumb? Everyone can enjoy success when cultivating green and flowering plants at home when you combine these easy-care plants with expert knowledge from Peoples Flowers. With over 315,000 types of green and flowering plants, orchids, and succulents, it would not be possible to offer a comprehensive list of care instructions. However, we are glad to suggest some maintenance tips for a few of the more popular plant choices in our shop – like these basic care instructions for three of our favorites.

Remember: Green and flowering plants make excellent gifts for Administrative Professionals Day! 

Phalaenopsis Orchids 
Level of Care: Low to moderate maintenance
Watering: Water when the soil begins to dry out, usually once every 7-10 days.
Feeding: Fertilize your plants with an orchid feed product. Re-pot with fresh mix when the bloom is done
Light Exposure: Moderately bright
Miscellaneous: If you see spotting on flowers, your orchid may be sick – check that roots are not saturated.


Bromeliads (shown above) 
Level of Care: Low maintenance
Watering: Fill the cup at the base of the leaves with water as needed. Remove any dirty or stagnant water.
Feeding: Fertilize your plants with a half-strength product.
Light Exposure: Bromeliads enjoy bright light and can tolerate direct sunlight.
Climate: Humidity is necessary for optimum bromeliad growth. If air is too dry, use a humidifier, or mist the plant daily to simulate humidity.

Succulents (shown below) 
Level of Care: Low maintenance
Watering: Let the soil dry between watering.
Light Exposure: Succulents thrive in bright, direct sunlight.
Miscellaneous: These hardy plants will do best in well-draining materials such as cactus soil, sand, gravel, or volcanic rock. Whatever your favorite varieties of indoor green or flowering plants or succulents, we have the right choice for any occasion. Trust the professional floral designers at Peoples Flowers – browse our site, and then call us with any questions you may have. Peoples Flowers is committed to ensuring that your Albuquerque home or office is naturally beautiful!