Think back on your own graduation time and a few key moments are likely to stand out—crossing the stage to retrieve your diploma, celebrating with friends and family afterward, the feeling of complete accomplishment and the excitement of summer, college or a new job on the horizon. Peoples Flower Shops knows this is one of the most momentous occasions in our lives, and the flowers we both give and receive become a part of that memory. In many cases, these are the first flowers our young scholars will receive, which is why getting them right is so important.
Whether the graduate you’re giving to is your own or someone else’s, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, keep the design bright and lighthearted. This is the time to offer something festive and cheerful like our Gorgeous Gerbera, which hit that youthful note. Also consider the scale of what you’re giving: this floral gift shouldn’t be too large or overwhelming. Instead, keep it modestly-scaled as with our rainbow of gerbera, which feels lush without being too much.
The festive spirit of these flowers cannot be denied, and the graduate who receives them will feel all of the pride and happiness they deserve.